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About ENCORE! Presentations

To help you choose what you want to include in your virtual conference, we've grouped major topics under tabs. You can also enter any term into the search box and browse the list of presentations that address that topic. All presentations are fully text searchable. In addition, the written text of each presentation is simultaneously displayed so that you can read the speakers' presentations as you watch and hear them. Supplemental materials from the conferences and webinars are also included here.

You can also "attend" the entire 2-day 2008 Employment Transportation Conference to take advantage of the conference discussions in addition to the presentations.

The economic vitality of our cities, towns and regions rests on our ability to ensure that workers can travel to jobs and that businesses have access to the workforce they need. Transportation to work using ridesharing and public and community transit also supports our communities' environmental and economic development goals.

In these tough economic times, there is this silver lining: the value that employment transportation brings to our communities, businesses, employees at every income level, workers with disabilities, older workers, veterans, and many others, is evident. It is up to us to harness and communicate this value, and form broad-based partnerships so that we can sustain and grow services both today and tomorrow.

This site hosts presentations

Add your voice to the topics at hand by commenting on the presentations and enhancing the discussion. And don't forget to share this virtual conference site with your colleagues!

This virtual conference site is a product of the Joblinks Transportation Center and is designed to broaden access to employment transportation - related learning experiences to anyone throughout the world.

The Joblinks Transportation Center is a joint initiative of the Community Transportation Association of America and the U.S. Department of Transportation's Federal Transit Administration. For more information about Joblinks, please visit