Rocky Mountain Laboratories, and also GlaxoSmithKline is located, a huge facility down there to do research. Both of those employers sponsor vanpools. And the thing that's unique about all of these employers, when we approached them, they were willing to set up? the people that were on those vanpools, they have agreed to make sure that their shifts are the same every week so that they can remain on those vanpools. So the shifts are all done.
It would be great to listen to the folks from Humana just do the corporate, you know, the Fortune 500 spiel about why this makes good business sense, it's really pretty incredible? but what they're finding is that when they go and interview new folks, particularly young folks, that having that as a benefit indicates to these folks that they're going to work for a green corporation.
The transit options that we offer our employees are carpooling, vanpooling, bus and public transportation, motorcycling, cycling, running, and walkers. The benefits that we provide to them along with offering the service and managing the services for them are with the carpools and the vanpool programs.
We also started a neighborhood EcoPass program so that neighborhoods can get together, raise the money, the minimum contract level at least, so they can get passes for everybody in their household.
We have 11 different agencies collaborating, pooling their resources.
What is United Way doing with transportation?
Transit can capture and utilize value provided within communities. Communities benefit by using transit as a tool for revitalization. The private sector can use transit to create more value for their developments. Transit can capture the value of those private sector developments to reduce the cost to its taxpayers, and the partnerships that we can create accrue value to transit and economic development.
And paying attention to your customers needs to be an obsession. A lot people say this, but my observation, we don't execute on that always so well. We tend to think about the climate as business. We think of viability, technical feasibility, and human desirability, that if we start at the human side, we can then later answer those other two questions.
You have to think outside the bus.
The work buddy project, it's our rideshare support program.
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